Japanese battle dragon ball z song
Japanese battle dragon ball z song

Years later before the Saiyan Saga had officially started, Zarbon, Dodoria, and Frieza are all insulting the remaining Saiyans after they return from their conquest on Planet Shikk, they are met with pity rather than accommodation by Frieza and his top henchmens. They stare at the destruction of the planet without showing any sympathy or regret at all whatsoever however they were shock. Zarbon and Dodoria are the only characters to bear witness when Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta. Later on, Frieza mercilessly destroys the Saiyan planet, assumedly along with Bardock in the midst.

japanese battle dragon ball z song

Zarbon expresses complete confusion as to why Frieza would want to just leave the ship, before Frieza intimidates him into doing so when asking irritably if he is questioning his detract orders. When it became apparent that Bardock was going to decimate on his entire army single handedly, Zarbon was then ordered by Frieza to prepare his chair for liftoff. Dodoria is successful in killing the whole team, but he had carelessly left Bardock alive after delivering one heavily powerful mouth blast straight at him. Dodoria and his elite fighters are now ordered to eradicate Bardock, the second strongest Saiyan alive at the time, and his teammates. Zarbon however advises Frieza to eliminate the growing threat before it poses a greater problem. Therefore Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria all then contemplate the fate of the Saiyans due to the growing power of the species, and had decide to take action in order to avoid further future repercussions, as the Saiyans might pose to be a great threat to them in the future. This is the first time, that Frieza is literally amazed at the growing power of the Saiyans. Dodoria shockingly states that the job to take Kanassa out had not been done for several months, and that not even Frieza's elite squadrons could take Kanassa out so easily. Zarbon informs Frieza that a group of low-class Saiyans being led by Bardock had taken over the planet just call Kanassa in just a few days. Recent news reveals that the Saiyans' strength constantly grows after each near death battle they ever had have. In the year of Age 737, within Frieza's own spaceship, Frieza is being briefed by his top two loyal henchmens, Zarbon and Dodoria, in regards to the occurrences in their routine interplanetary galactic trade and conquering.

Japanese battle dragon ball z song